Hao Laowai - Volunteer in Beijing

Beijing's coolest vo ...更多

Hao Laowai - Volunteer in Beijing

Hao Laowai is home to Beijing's coolest volunteer opportunities.

We keep a complete and up-to-date list of local volunteer gigs, so you can discover the opportunity that matches your unique style.

Volunteer in Beijing. Help out and have fun.

相关机构 No official partnerships so far. But you can find some awesome local volunteer organizations and opportunities on our website!
活动/项目领域 综合志愿服务,社会企业
活动/项目需求 志愿者需求,需要合作方
起止时间 0000-00-00 00:00:00 - 2020-09-22 00:01:00
联系人 Hao Laowai
电子邮箱 haolaowaichina@gmail.com
相关网址 https://www.haolaowai.co/
需求描述 We're new, so we're pretty open to try new things, get the word out, and do some good.
